Chinchilla Botanic Parklands
- Product # CUSTOM
- Age Range 0 - 99
- Dimensions 0.00m x 0.00m
- Budget > $50,000
Chinchilla is famous for their iconic watermelon production and
wanted to incorporate this unique identity into a splashpark within their brand-new
botanic parklands.
The splashpad carries through brightly coloured watermelon
theming, from the mega tipping bucket through to low level climbable watermelon
features. Water cannons, ground sprays
and spinning rainfall curtains deliver an immersive aquatic experience.
The water quality management and filtration system utilises
water-saving technology to ensure no more than the equivalent of a small
household’s daily water consumption is used for each day of operation –
essential in an area where water is such a precious resource.
Surrounded by plenty of lawn space for picnics and activity,
the area is well utilised for town events and recreation, encouraging visitors
to the region to stay and play longer. In
2020, Chinchilla Botanic Parklands was named “Park of the Year” by Australia’s
Parks and Leisure Association.
You can learn more about this exciting project here.
If you'd like any further information, you can contact us for further information or download the project profile in the PDF Spec Sheet section.