Nicky Veraart
How long in the industry? 14 years
What do you like most about the industry?
Seeing people of all ages and abilities enjoying the outdoors more and more through the innovation of wonderful public playscapes.
Seeing people that are enjoying the outdoors more and encouraging them to explore
What do you like most about PSC?
The great team work, dedication and the fact that we have many long term staff!
Seeing our fantastic innovations come to fruition!
What was your highlight at PSC so far? Why was it a highlight?
Project wise, the Palmerston Waterpark project as it was the biggest and most challenging one for Playscape Creations in its 14 years of existence. The success of this project has been great and we grew on so many levels by taking on this challenge.
What is your favourite recreational item we provide?
GFRC, natural looking play items as they look so realistic and provide a nature based, but very safe playspace addition.
What’s your Motto in life?
Be honest and truthful in all aspects of life and everything else should fall into line!.